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About Master Components ltd

We are one of the leading manufactures of Plastic Engineering Components and sub assemblies since 1999. We are specialised in injection moulding, thermoset moulding & Compression moulding. We are having machines of capacity ranging from 60 TN to 430 TN. We mould product ranging from 1 gm to 1500 gms.

Awards & Achivement

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Master Group has been serving a wide variety of customers. Many reputed
Industry prefer to work with us because we give on time service and quality products.

Our Vision

The vision is to become “supplier of choice” serving product niche markets in which our product innovations, technical competency and excellence in manufacturing enables us to continually exceed the expectations of our preferred customer base.

Our Mission

To exceed our customers expectation in quality, delivery and cost throught Continual improvement and customer interaction

Sustainance on going

Training Activities
Out Bound Activities
Out Skill Development
Dipstick Audits
Tie-Up with "External Consultants", an HR & Training organization to bu
lid the culture in the company.

Reviews of our clients

Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi archite.

“Impressive Performance & Productivity”

- Daniel Craig, Google

Neque Porro Quisquam Est, Qui Dolorem Ipsum Quia Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur, Adipisci Velit, Sed Quia Non Num Quam Eius Modi Tempora Incidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magnam Aliquam Quaerat Voluptatem. Ut Enim Ad Minima Veniam, Quis Nostrum Exercitationem Ullam Corporis Suscipit Laboriosam, Nisi Ut Aliquid Ex Ea Commo Di Conse Quatur.

“Impressive Performance & Productivity”

- Daniel Craig, Google

Neque Porro Quisquam Est, Qui Dolorem Ipsum Quia Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur, Adipisci Velit, Sed Quia Non Num Quam Eius Modi Tempora Incidunt Ut Labore Et Dolore Magnam Aliquam Quaerat Voluptatem. Ut Enim Ad Minima Veniam, Quis Nostrum Exercitationem Ullam Corporis Suscipit Laboriosam, Nisi Ut Aliquid Ex Ea Commo Di Conse Quatur.